Order picker full-time (English) – tempo team – Lelystad

tempo team


Do you want a job full of variety and to get startedquickly? Then Giant Europe is the right place for you! A full-timejob as an order picker with a good salary of 14.63 per hour. Youwill enjoy working day shifts. Evenings and weekends free! You alsowork together in a team with enthusiastic colleagues. Are you doingwell? Then there are sufficient opportunities for growth and achance of takeover. Apply immediately!

We donot provide housing or sponsorships. If you are EU-citizen and needaccommodation you can apply here:https://www.tempo-team.nl/vacatures?specialtype=euflex

Whatwe offer

  • Full-timejob with a lot of variety
  • Earn €14.63 perhour
  • Fixed schedule and weekendsoff
  • Nice colleagues
  • Freefruit every day!
  • Careeropportunities

Who youare

In addition you have an eyefor detail and you are also good with the English language. Englishis spoken at Giant. In addition, as an order picker youare:

  • Available full-time in day shiftsfrom 8:30 AM to 17:00 PM
  • Flexible to take ondifferent tasks
  • A real teamplayer
  • You live in the area of Lelystad; we donot provide housing orsponsorships

What will youdo

As an order picker at Giantyou will work with bicycle parts. Together with your colleagues,you are responsible for the incoming and outgoing goods within theParts and Gear department. These parts mainly consist of serviceparts and accessories, and are therefore not complete bicycles.When the goods arrive, they must be checked for completeness inquantities, after which they are processed for storage in thewarehouse. When a customer orders a part, it is removed from therack and packed at one of our packing tables. As a Parts and Gearwarehouse worker you will do:

  • Incominggoods
  • Outgoinggoods
  • Packing
  • Orderpicking
  • Returns
  • Labeling,stickering and repackaging

Wherewill you work

Giant Europe is arelatively new warehouse in Lelystad. Not only complete bicyclesand parts are sent to the customer here. The parts you need foryour new racing bike also come from here! There are differentdepartments, such as order picking, labeling and packing. A jobwith a lot of variety! In addition, as an order picker it ispossible to grow and work for a longer period oftime.

Job application

Sounds good right? Apply immediately as an orderpicker because there are a limited number of places. Still have afew questions? No worries, you can always call, app or emailus.

Uiteraard staat deze vacature open voor iedereen diezich hierin herkent.

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