Production employee full time (English) – tempo team – Lelystad

tempo team


Do you want to work in a great team with nicecolleagues? Then you have come to the right place! Here you earn €15,24 per hour and with allowances this can add up to € 20,87! Inaddition, there are great career opportunities at Farm Dairy andyou have a chance to get a permanent contract! Sounds great right?!Apply now as a production employee at Farm Dairy.

We do not provide housing. If you are EU-citizen and needaccommodation you can apply here:

Whatwe offer

  • Salary of €15,24 per hour from 18 years and older
  • Earn upto € 20,87 per hour with allowances!
  • Freecustard, milk and yogurt! Yummie!
  • Careeropportunities and training opportunities
  • Asmall and close team!
  • Chance to get a permanentcontract!

Who youare

As a production employee youare flexible and a hard worker. Inaddition:

  • You will work in 3 shifts:07:00 – 15:00, 15:00 – 23:00 and 23:00 -07:00
  • You live in the area of Lelystad or arein possession of your own transportation – We don’t provide housingor sponsorships
  • You are physicallyfit

What will youdo

Farm Dairy is a dairy factorywhere all kinds of dairy products are produced for supermarkets. Asa production employee you will start in a department where trolleysare prepared. Your job consists of unfolding and preparing thesetrolleys! Next, your colleague will put the trolleys in the fillingmachine! This goes at a fast pace and therefore the work can bephysically heavy. But the nice thing is; you can skip your visit tothe gym! If you do your job well, you can quickly progress to otherdepartments! Sounds great right?!

Where willyou work

As a productionemployee at Farm Dairy you will work in a large dairy factory. Thefactory is full of machines that produce yogurt and custard, veryimpressive! The machines make a bit of noise, so you often workwith earplugs in. Farm Dairy is a pleasant company where you canwork for a longer period of time. The atmosphere is great andeveryone is super friendly! Furthermore, there are many careeropportunities and you have a chance to get a permanent contract!Good to know, you can eat unlimited yogurt and custard during thebreaks! Delicious isn’t it?!


Do you want to jointhe Farm Dairy team as a production employee? Apply now at thisgreat company and start soon. Do you have questions? Call, app oremail us!

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