Production employee morning shift (English),Giant – tempo team – Lelystad

tempo team


Start immediately at Giant in Lelystad! Here you canuse your technical skills. You are guaranteed hours and will workfull-time! Yes! You earn €15,50 per hour. You can earn allowancesup to 50%. There are plenty of opportunities for growth at Giant.Are you doing well? Then there is a chance of takeover! Soundsgood? Apply immediately as a production employee!

We do not provide housing. If you are EU-citizen and needaccommodation you can apply here:

Whatwe offer

  • Hourly wage€15,50
  • Travel allowance up to 40km
  • Nice team with enthusiasticcolleagues
  • Free hot meal, fresh fruit, coffeeand tea
  • Allowances up to50%
  • Job with careeropportunities

Who youare

As a production employee atGiant, you want to get started quickly. You have an affinity withtechnology and are:

  • Available fromMonday to Saturday. Saturday will be scheduled inrotation
  • Available full-time in morning shifts6:00 AM – 16:10 PM. On Saturday the shift is from7:30-11:45
  • You have own transport due to theworking hours

What will youdo

When you arrive at Giant inthe morning, you discuss the day with your colleagues. This whileenjoying a nice cup of coffee in the canteen. When it is time, youwalk to your department and the team leader will tell you what thetargets are for the day. Then you and your team will assemblebicycle parts. Each production employee has his own place and taskon the production line. For example, you ensure that the electricmotor is installed and your neighbor ensures that the brake cablesare pulled! All this happens at a fast pace, so it is importantthat you perform your task well so that the line can keep running!Together you ensure that the most beautiful and newest Giantbicycles can be delivered to the customer, how cool isthat!

Where will youwork

Giant is the world’sleading brand of high-quality bicycles and cycling equipment. As aproduction employee you will work in a fun and enthusiastic team.Giant believes it is important that everyone can get the best outof themselves and offers many career opportunities. Considermulti-operator or troubleshooter. If you start working at Giant youwill get a job with a lot of stability, everyone has a fixedschedule and fixed working days. In addition, you have a chance ofa contract and salary increase if you perform well.Yes!

Job application

Have you become curious and would you like to show usthat you have the right skills for this job? Then don’t wait anylonger and apply as a production employee! If you have anyquestions, you can call, app or email us!

Uiteraard staatdeze vacature open voor iedereen die zich hierin herkent.

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